Friday, September 9, 2005

Brownie Vest Patch Placement

As a presentation I thought to tell you a little bit my life, so familiar you are going with me.

I was a normal girl, in a special age and fantasy in her hair ... but better start from the beginning: I was born

fruit of love between Joseph and Wenceslao, my parents. The two were brothers (which I had been a slight mental retardation do not care) and made a living as they could, and that after my grandparents (now that I think I have only two, heh!) Were caught frolicking on the block , I threw the village where they lived. Once settled in Guadalajara
my mom / aunt found work at night, she said she worked cleaning features. I understood the knee, but to receive a miniskirt and high heelslow cleaning I still catch him ... my dad / uncle said it was the Panorámix of the people who sold the weakest substances to be stronger and be more animated. I gave bags filled with white powder and others full of bars of colorful and cartoons and distributed. Besides if I could play the hard ass gave me 5, jijijiji. Yo
while living very happy and lucky no one to play. They were afraid to cast drool at the mouth constantly, so I tied a piece of meat around the neck to the neighbor's dog bit me, should play an. We became great friends ...
One day my father came home and told us to leave from there, said police wanted all the bags and all the pills,be súpermegafuertotes and thus dominate the world, then we went to a village called anemones in the field. I laid there itself
some friends, put me nickname and all, I called Guarralajara. A hybrid between Guadalajara and slut. Although most of the time I called no more nasty.
My dad / uncle found work caring for children, but one day I do not know why some men came and took the computer's CPU and my dad / uncle handcuffed. They told me too well cared for small children. I believed them because I too have cared veeeeery always good .. my dad was very affectionate / uncle.
Now we have been my mom / aunt and I alone. I am an adult and after doing the nasty with all the male members of puebo


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