Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gallbladder Polyp Ultrasound High Alt

CROSSED OUT made # 9 on the predictors and Editor Poll!

Also check out this fab review of CROSSED OUT:


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Batman Archam Asylum Change Language

Dang, I got this tummy bug. Such a bummer. Hoping it'll get Better so I can do my guilty pleasure today!

Anyhow, here's my Friday Five:


Here's my YA Books Central review:

2. The Revenant:

This is one that's good YA historical Also a ghost story. Very good!

Here's my YA Books Central review:

http://yabookscentral.blogspot.com/2011/01/revenant.html 3. Right now finishing up sweetly:

I'm really enjoying this companion novel to SISTER'S RED.

4. Fellow YA Books Central Reviewer and YA author Myra McEntire revealed the cover to her book yesterday:

Isn't it gorgeous?

5. Also got catalog from Prufrock Press and want this book when it comes out in May 11

**Guilty pleasure:

I hope my stomach feels better. Heck, I might just go anyway! It's Cheesecake Factory!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Burst Capillaries All Over Body My Gosh, is it my birthday ... again?

Today is my birthday. It Seems Like when you're a kid you can not wait for this time of year. Well, That and Christmas.

I have an interview and contest going on here:


Check it out!

'm Giving away a signed copy of CROSSED OUT and a t-shirt:

Here's the link to the t-shirt:

http://romanceyardsale.spreadshirt.com/female-aa-slim -fit-tee-A6818169/customize/color/2

Friday, January 21, 2011

Milena Velba Galleries Forum Friday Five

This week's Been kind of slow. I've been fighting Some tummy bug, dh is still sick, and son's Been Battling a cold too. Hopefully we'll all feel Better soon.

Here's my five for this week:

1. Right now reading and loving this:

I Was lucky to read Some of this Before Beth got her book deal. Let's just say That the writing is very vivid and the way she describe her future world ended up Invading my dreams. One night I Thought I Was Amy running on the Godspeed and the Keepers HAVING staring at me. And

congrats to Beth for Being # 7 on the NYT bestsellers list. Can I just say Our group is criticizing mega proud of her!

2. Finished this one:

Review coming soon! Let's just I'm a huge fan of this publisher and Lee's book doesn't disappoint!

Got these in the mail:


Also a huge fan of this publisher!


Yay, another Jackson book! I loved SISTERS RED. This is a companion novel only a twist on another fairy tale.


I'm really excited to read this one. Sonia is one of Jen Laughran's clients and well, you know Jen has some of the greatest writers as her clients. This story sounds really good too!

**Guilty pleasure:

Has to be tomorrow when I get to do Zumba. Love this exercise class. Then going to pick up the latest issue of Buffy. Crossing fingers it's still out and not sold out!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pokemon Deluge Hack Cheats

Today I Thought About MLK and The What I Brought to us. It's So Hard to Believe That Our Country at one time WAS segregated. White Only bathrooms, water fountains, and swimming pools. Were Not too segregated schools only in the South But back here in Ca
I think about how Martin Luther King helper pave the way for equality for all. Yes, That includes my own Mexican American heritage. Did you know

one America in 1947 Fought for the Right to Have Children Attend to her nearby school denied WAS But Because of her color? Where did this Happen?

Westminster, CA


This Was Before Brown vs.. The board of Education in 1954.

My own Mexican-HTMLXC

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Can You Tell Asthma From Cystic POC- People of another culture

I think it's interesting now That agents / editors Are Asking for more diversity in YA. Fourth Generation I'm a Mexican American. My great-grandmother - greatgrandmother - family meat from Sonora, Mexico and Work Until the border migrants as meat up.

I did not really come into my own culture Until I Became a bilingual teacher near East LA. I Could not believe how it WAS hard to find any literature That Reflect the Population I Taught. Also I WAS looking into my own roots - roots. As a bilingual / bicultural grad student at CSU Fullerton I had a great advisor, Dr. Ana Garza and a wonderful Chicano Studies professor Dr. Ortega, Who helped me find out more about my Mexican roots and why my family Avoided it. Also I found

Some great authors Gary Soto, who's Fresno, Culture too. PHOENIX RISING has

Esperanza Espie, who's future dream mirrors to radical groups only with a tragic consequence. The Society's logo Reflects Something from ancient Aztec mythology.

Today I got a Google alert That Had EARRINGS OF IXTUMEA listed under Latin characters in YA:


I for one want more Latino characters and Other Minorities in YA. And please no stereotypical characters! Selena is a second generation Mexican American who loves glamorous stars from the 50s, visiting vintage shops, And Also joking about her old older sister's love of a good novel with hunkie One of Those guys on the front cover.

I love multi-cultural books. On YA Books

Friday, January 14, 2011

Brazillian With Thick Legs Friday Five

WHITNEY an award Nominated s official book! It's so cool to Be Up Against Other LDS authors.

Here's the link: http://whitneyawards.com/wordpress/2010/11/14/whos-been-nominated-for-a-whitney/

** Guilty pleasure: I

'm going to the mall Later Today. I hope to pick up more Origins Ginger products and of course my fountain drink at Ruby's. My latest favorite? Cherry chocolate diet Coke. Though I do Have Them mix half regular and half diet with Tastes so much better.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Nazi Aircraft For Sale Friday Five

I asked for more e-galleys and I'm excited some publishers are doing this now! NetGalley is fab! I can choose some e-galleys from their selection. What's even better is I can have them sent to my Kindle!

Simon & Schuster are doing something similar but so far the e-galleys aren't supported by Kindle which is a big drawback for me.

Anyway, here's my Friday Five based on my recent e-galleys:


I'm reading this right now! Loving how author ties in her paranormal world with the past.


Finished this one last night. It's the future and some bio-terrorists have unleashed a virus that ends up killing most of the Now it's off to China!


This one is another S&S e-galley. I love the whole New Orleans/paranormal feel to this book!

**This one wasn't a galley but a guilty pleasure e-book read:

This is book 2 in the Stefan diaries series. It basically follows the TV show, so I kind of knew a lot of this but what I did like was how Lexi, one of Stefan's friends, is introduced to us. Can't wait for book 3 that comes in May!
I hope more publishers use e-galleys! I love reading off my Kindle and I also love being able to store the books there.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome Address Sample For It Company Wow, Buffy's going to be 30!

and romance. Loved it. Also I loved how Spike and Developed Whedon Show Us His vulerabilities.

Saddest moment? When Tara is killer. Oh, why did That Have to Happen? Also the episode when to eat Buffy Finds home and her mother dead. That Had to Be one of the best episodes of all time. And of course

Favorite song?

Here's a link to the special issue Buffy:

http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=buffy+the+vampire+slayer+season+8+% 2340 & d = 27024557187205625 & mkt = en-US & setlang = en-US & w = de99ae1d, 23413cad

Also I'm reading this book and will review soon!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lactose Intolerant Develop Toddler More swag ideas

Someone at YALITCHAT Gave me an idea on making some more swag for CROSSED OUT.

What about a rubber bracelet?

I'm thinking of putting this on it:

Rescuer in Training

I'd Have to cross on the side. Though

What color?

Here's the link:

Yellow? Or Black? Maybe net?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What Does My Cervix Feel Like Before Menstruation Good Reads Giveaway

This is my birthday month. I thought I'd celebrate by HAVING Another contest! What Better Place Than GoodReads:

book giveaway for Crossed Out Crossed Out

by Kim Baccelli (Goodreads Author), Carole Spencer (Illustrator)

Release date: June 7, 2010 Stephanie Stewart
Did not ask for her gift of Guiding the deceased to the Other Side But she's stuck with it. Why can not people just follow That dead br ... more
[close] Stephanie Stewart Did not ask for her gift of Guiding the deceased to the Other Side But she's stuck with it. Why can not people just dead Follow That bright light and leave her alone? When Mr. Undead Wants to use her special talent for His Own Purposes evil, her little gift Becomes a major liability. [Close] Enter t

Saturday, January 1, 2011

* I-catcher Console – Web Monitor Bedroom

Once again, there was some fun graphic novels out there. My son loved all of them!

Here's my top picks:


Our household LOVES Binky. This kitty believes he's helping his human pets from the alien insects outside. Binky is adorable!


I admit it, I'm a Lunch lady fan! Maybe it's because it reminds me of my own days as a teacher and this one lunch lady that I think might have done something similar in her extra time. Well, maybe not, but these books are fun and hilarious!


the illustrations and how this book makes it fun to read some Bible stories.

Weddingmessages For Husband My Graphic Novel Top Picks of 2010

There Were So Many great graphic novel Nominated books this year. I loved reading Them. So did my nine-year-old they are.

Here's my top five picks:

YA category:


I loved the 1920s retro feel to this graphic novel. It Was a refreshing change from the usual graphic novels this year. Can not wait to read volume 2.


Loved this edgy tale of an eleven-year-old gangbanger Who accidently kills a fourteen-year-old. This story will haunt you. I know it did me.


This story of Who Want Some teens t

Pyramid Deck Battlestar

Here's the Cybils 2010 finalists:


I loved being a panelist for the graphic novels category. I thank all the publishers, authors, and publicists who sent me copies of the nominated books. Afterwards I donate the books to my local library. Ericka, the MG librarian, LOVES you guys!!!! She's been so sweet and puts bookplates in each book with 'donated by the Cybils'. Also she loves the Cybils bookmarkers. So after the contest other tweens and teens enjoy the books.

Thanks again!

Here's the finalists in graphic novels:


Graphic Novels (Young Adult)

by Doug Tennapel
GRAPHIX Cs Struggling to fit in with her new life while living with her mom Relatives works hard to support Their family long distance. Parallel to Tara's story of her ancestor That is Josey, Who has fallen in love with a gold dowser Wealth That You Promised to Josey's family in 1859. As the story progress, the two plots weave and meld together, playing off Often occurrences and dialogue in Both time periods. With a flowing art style and a touch of magic realism, Mercury is a beautiful exploration of past meeting present. - Alyssa

Vol. 1 Night Owls by Peter Timony

Nominated by: Jenny Schwartzberg

A gargoyle, a flapper-turned-gumshoe, and a sunlight-Challenged professor (who's * not * a vampire?) Supernature unite to form al detective agency in the delightful Night Owls by the Timony Twins. Fresh humor, quirky characters and a well-drawn retro-1920's setting offer a lot to readers of traditional mystery comics and a wider audience. You can enjoy the Night Owls' escapades in chunks, the way you might in the funnies page, or devour it at one sitting to discover the big picture intrigue. We can't wait to read volume two! --Liz Jones

Twin Spica, Volume: 01
by Kou Yaginuma
Nominated by: Claire Moore

Set in 2024, 13-year-old Asumi wants to be an astronaut and takes the exams to enter space training school. Her mother died shortly after she was born when a rocket crashed into the city. This rocket was named The Lion, which becomes a theme cBean Walker by Aaron Renier

First Second Books Nominated by: Jess Pugh

Walker Bean's grandfather begs His grandson to return to mysterious talking skull sister to be monsters and end the curse That has Plagued him for years. Walker, a pudgy boy who'd Rather Than read adventure and cries at the drop of a hat, isn't at all sure I CAN live up to His grandfather's expectations. Walker is alternately Help and Hindered by pirates, merchants and witches as have historical blunders and invents way to an unsinkable conclusion. Renier's illustrations Are rich and full of detail, and the plot is creative with plenty of unexpected twists. Perfect for fans of steampunk, Tintin and Lord of the Rings, this epic voyage is just about you Something for Every reader. - Maggi

Nudity Festival Gelary

http://www.youtube.com/user/tippexperience?v=4ba1BqJ4S2M&feature=pyv&ad=5903516622&kw=fisica% 20th% 20quimica

Random, now we're talking about tipex want to make clear my love for all tipex life, the little boat with small brush ... And that's it for today!

PD: The entry of the year, well ... hahaha well hungover me clearance to see if a little this afternoon I have to study T____________T